
2018年1月18日—Hardpoweroff/on.GoimmediatelyintoBIOS(onmyWin10X1,repeatedF1onboot;you'llseeenteringsetup)andchooseStartup.,,2016年5月18日—TurnthemachineonandpresstheEnterkeyattheLenovologo,theremaybeapressEntertoInterruptmessageonthescreen.Interruptmenu.,2023年5月28日—Holddownthepowerbutton,like,forever.Oratleastaminuteormore.Whenyouputyourfingeronthebutton,makesureyoucanseepartof ...

Fixing Thinkpad "To interrupt normal startup, press Enter" ...

2018年1月18日 — Hard power off/on. Go immediately into BIOS (on my Win10 X1, repeated F1 on boot; you'll see entering setup) and choose Startup.

Recommended ways to enter BIOS

2016年5月18日 — Turn the machine on and press the Enter key at the Lenovo logo, there may be a press Enter to Interrupt message on the screen. Interrupt menu.

How to fix “To interrupt normal startup, press Enter” on ...

2023年5月28日 — Hold down the power button, like, forever. Or at least a minute or more. When you put your finger on the button, make sure you can see part of ...

Portable TrayMenu 1.6 - 精巧方便的程式選單

Portable TrayMenu 1.6 - 精巧方便的程式選單
